Who's ruling who is my question?? When or what year was it when a child could just run sh*t, and where was I when it happened?? Children today seem to have no respect or should I say no fear of anyone. As I watch youth come up, I see that they have no regard for their Parents (if you want to call them that). Or, are the parents too busy being children themselves?? So when it comes to discipline, you can "Fuhgeddabouddit". It's the sad truth but people has been talking about "Save The Children" - (Marvin Gaye), since I was born. So, should I expect change??

I would just love to see Parents be Parents. The other day I witnessed this toddler (I guess 2 years old), spit on his mother!! Yes, I said "Spat" on his Mother and in a Department Store at that. Do you know she looked at him and said, "Now, you're not getting any Mcdonald's." Huh?? Well, when and if his baby teeth ever came down, they would fall right out...that's how hard I would have elbowed him in the mouth. I wouldn't care who liked it!! It's just principle that is lacking. Ladies and Gentleman, it's just not cute, our children need a Seminar!
If you grow-up spitting on your Mother, you don't stand a chance!! I can't even blame the children, it's not their fault (we are all creatures of habit.) Our habits are determined by our surrounding. As you become an adult, it's no longer acceptable to react on "Habit". You must learn to make conscious decision because they have consequences. (And for that reason, I would have bust his lip.) WANTED: "Parents"...Talk to me...
P.S. The babies in the pictures are my niece & nephew, they're just too damn cute!!!
1 comment:
That's just crazy. I mean kids now adays are really different and maybe its because as young parents we give them alot of freedom and laugh off certain things they say..BUT when it comes to disrespecting your parent(s) and going as far as spitting..That child needs some real discipline and the parent needs some lessons if the most they're going to do is take away McDonalds. I mean having a 2 year old is hard and I know first hand, but if you let stuff like that slide..when they get older they'll walk all over you and then the question will become who is the parent?!
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