Has anyone come across one of those pages (That wasn't private, by the way), where you clicked on their pictures, only to see a naked ass with a thong, with their child's picture right next to or under it??? Come on, nice ass or not, why would you put your business on Front Street like that (Especially with your kids posted up there)...that's not a good look!!! And is it just me or is every damn body modeling??? Don't get me wrong, I understand that people think highly of themselves, loving yourself is first and foremost. Some of them take it to a whole different level. When I look at some of the pictures, a lot of these females are young as hell...all caked up with make-up with no damn clothes on. Now, "Where's the parents???"...do they not see their kids taking half naked pictures and posting them on the computer??? Or is it that I can possibly find the parent on myspace with the same picture posted??
After reading the headlines and names of some of these profiles, I said to myself, "These people are dead serious." A lot of them perpetrate so hard...it's ridiculous. They use myspace to make a name for themselves (Which is understandable, they want to make a big name...everyone wants to be known). Unfortunately, to go hard and floss something or say something that can't be produced is yours, only makes you look foolish. Only your "friends" that really knows you outside of myspace, can stand by anything that you put on your profile. So to be a "Myspace Pimp/Ganster" when you're really the herb or flunky out the bunch, is unnecessary. Just play your position, be real with yourself. If they don't look like herb or can't accept you for the herb you are, no need to approve them as one of your friends. Don't change your character to be down, that's wack.
To all the aspiring Models, Rappers, Singers, and Producers get your hustle on by any means necessary if that's really what you do. But when I listen to some of the tracks that people have posted, it seems as if people are doing it because it's "what's in" right now. I don't feel seriousness coming from it. Don't play around with it, if it isn't what you do. No need to turn into the singer/rapper/model, just because your friend told you that you can sing/rap/model. Leave that to the people, who lives, sh*t, sleep, and breathe it....and that's serious about their craft.
Let me be the first to comment on this sh*t cause this to is another exhausting situation!!!!! everybody's gettin "hated on" on myspace. Not everybody has what it takes to get hated on, you gotta have something for people to hate on and to those people that really have the true qualifications, dont have time for foolishness ( you got time for myspace beef ?? ) Just clean up YOUR SPACE!!!!!!!!
You have to do a post about making your Myspace easy to look at. Pages that take ages to load get x'ed out quick. Another thing, if you're an artist, how bout you let people download your damn songs. If you're posting music that's not on a cd and you're not selling downloads then why in the hell are you hording it.
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