Now, let's take this from the top. He was "strapped for he couldn't afford a lawyer...", now that's a everyday experience for some people. And you know what happens in that moment, the judge says, "Oh Well...when you're slow, you blow!!!" Secondly, he's "devastated about losing his rights to see his daughter." No one can judge the true feelings someone has towards their child. I honestly didn't know that he lost all rights to see her, that could be a devastating situation. Only him and his daughter know the real relationship that they have with one another. But from me watching and hearing the things Bobby gets himself into, would he really know how to take care of a 14 year-old female, as far as full custody is concerned??
The fact that he's claiming to have been homeless since the divorce, tells us that he was truly a MOOCH (at another's expense; sponge!!!) . Be a man, Bobby...GOSH! Stand on your own two feet. Why is it right for her to support your habits, when she has her own habits to support? Is it her fault that you didn't invest wisely??? Nope, it sure isn't. So seeking "Spousal Support" ended at the divorce. The spousal support went out the window when the gavel hit, Buddy missed the boat. Seeking child support, was also reaching. Whitney has the child, full custody at that, how is he suing for child support? Let it go, Bobby....make a comeback album or something. Get a little pocket change for yourself....Get at me...
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