For years, women have been under the misconception that no-lye relaxer is safer for their hair because it doesn't contain any Lye. Contrary to what the market may say, "ALL RELAXER CONTAINS LYE". You may find this Active Agent under labels such as: Sodium Hydroxide and Guanidine Hydroxide.
"Lye" relaxers contain Sodium Hydroxide as the active ingredient. Where as, "No-Lye" relaxers, Calcium Hydroxide and Guanidine Carbonate" are mixed to produce "Guanidine Hydroxide". It's the hydroxide that makes the relaxer reactive (basic) and the way they work is the same. Many people have reported that "No-Lye" relaxers, leave their hair more dull and have gone back to "Lye" relaxers. If you're having problems with scalp irritation using a "Lye" relaxer, you might want to try a "No-Lye" relaxer. Don't believe that it's somehow more healthy for your hair.
Did we forget what happened to "Rio Hair Relaxers'??? **Reported in HairSite Consumer Alert** When their entire product line was banned by the FDA in mid 90's citing that Rio contains harsh chemicals that are unsafe to use. In fact, the FDA confirmed that there were more consumer complaints filed against Rio than any other cosmetic products in the U.S. They received over 3,000 cases of complaints since the product's was launched in 1995. Although, the Rio product line was advertised as "chemical free", you can even "EAT" it. Consumers reported numerous incidences of hair loss, severe scalp irritations, and a host of scalp and skin conditions. And that's "No-Lye"!!!
I highly Recommend "Design Essentials". I've used it for 11 years and have not had one complaint that I couldn't rectify using the Entire System.......

Hair Story is a great book about the history of black hair. Very informative and an enjoyable read.
Thanks!!!!! I will look into that.
W3LL i D0N`T HAV3 A R3LAX3R S0 Y3A..BUT iT WAS A G00D BL0G..i LiK3 THiS SiT3!
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